Physical distancing has meant coming together socially in different ways - from chatting to rarely seen neighbours during the 7pm cheer for frontline workers to getting to see friends in different cities more than once or twice a year through Zoom happy hours.
I've become a COVID cliche, raising a sassy sourdough starter, going back to my early '90s dream of learning Welsh, exercising to Youtube videos in my bedroom (funk it out, Jane Fonda!).
But the real upside of spending more time at home and not eating out all the time (as I try not to think about the devastation to the restaurant industry) is learning to cook healthier and more interesting meals. I joined a Facebook group that cooks their way around the world, each week posting pictures of the recipes they've tried from different countries, A-Z.
We've made it through the alphabet now and are starting back at A. This time we're sharing information about the country we've chosen, as well as the recipes we cooked. And since I'm constitutionally incapable of researching anything briefly, I thought I may as well finally use this blog for something other than biannual reading challenges.
So starting from A:
I picked Andorra, mostly because when I looked at Global Table Adventures for inspiration, a wonderful blog that helped guide me through the first time through the alphabet, I saw one of my favourite tapas, pan y tomate - or rather Pa amb tomà quet in Catalan. And when I read that Trinxat was a kind of pancake made from bacon, potato and cabbage, I was sold. If I could live on potatoes and bacon... well, I likely wouldn't live very long, but it would be a happy shortened life. So I rounded the meal off with a Warm Spinach and Mushroom Salad to try and balance my nutritional intake.