Saturday, August 8, 2020

Reverse Readathon - Day 2

 There are just over four and a half hours left in the reverse readathon. So far I've read three books, started a fourth and listened to about 3.5 hours of an audiobook while I "rested my eyes". Although I'm quite certain I heard at least 3/4 of it...

I've also done three sprints and set up a reading challenge on Goodreads, though I'll catch up on the books I've already read in 2020 when I have a bit more brain power.

I've got two official Bingos and have five spaces to fill before the end to get a full blank out. Also did the Word Search (and found an extra word that I think was missed from the list).

Back to reading now!

Closing Survey:

1) How would you assess your reading overall. I finished four books and made inroads into another three, as well as listened to an audiobook when my eyes got too tired to read. My comprehension wasn't at the same level all the time, and towards the end I was rushing to finish bingo squares rather than really appreciating the reading.

2) Did you have a strategy, and if so, did you stick to it? My main strategy was to fill all the squares and to read as much as possible over the 24 hours. I did stick to that, but I think if I'd picked a couple of shorter books, I would have completed more books rather than having three unfinished books that I read to cover squares.

3) What was your favorite snack? Picking away at a rotisserie chicken. I was really looking forward to chips and dip, but I bought the wrong type of chips and an unsatisfying dip. Not that it stopped me from eating them...

4) Wanna volunteer for our next event? It would depend on my work situation in October. At the moment, I likely wouldn't be able to commit to anything else, but who knows where things will be in two months.

Final bingo:

I covered every square, but I had to leave books unfinished to do so. I don't feel badly about Winter, as I read one full essay, but I wish I'd had another 45 minutes or so to finish off The Catcher in the Rye. And even though I was looking forward to it the most, I'm glad I left The Mirror & the Light until the end, as it would likely have eaten up most of the readathon if I'd started with it. Looking forward to October! 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Reverse Readathon

I'm very excited to be doing the reverse readathon for the first time. Hitting 3am at hour 10 will hopefully be less painful than hitting it at hour 22!

I started a few minutes late, as I didn't want to miss too much of the weekly Zoom Happy Hour - my friends were mystified that I was getting ready to spend the next 24 hours reading as much as possible. Mostly because they know I would happy do that any time, with or without the excuse of a readathon.

Here's the TBR pile that I pulled together to hopefully cover the majority of the bingo squares. For the make your own challenge, Barb suggested I read while doing a handstand, but I pointed out that it would be too much of a challenge to do a handstand, with or without reading, especially if I attempted it while sleep deprived, so we compromised on reading while doing a ski-sit.

Opening Survey:

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Vancouver, BC
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? The Mirror and the Light, though I wish I'd re-read the first two books first.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? Chips and dip. I've been pretty good about not buying/eating potato chips during the pandemic, but I'm looking forward to splurging.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! I'm a readaholic, who loves to play golf, trumpet, and field hockey. Sadly only the first of those are happening these days. But I am reading!
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? I'm going to try and stay awake the entire time. I remembered to buy an energy drink this time and if I get really tired, I'm going to try taking a shower. Which likely just means I'll wake up sometime tomorrow evening with my hair sticking up.

Hour 7:

I've finished two books - Lips Together, Teeth Apart by Terrence McNally and Gilead by Marilynne Robinson. I remember seeing Lips Together at the Playhouse back in 1993. It was about a year before I started working there - I was working at the Renaissance and we must have gotten comps. It was a fantastic production - the original Broadway production had an amazing cast, but I saw the Playhouse cast the entire time I was reading.

Also finished the crossword. My printer is out of ink, so I edited the pdf vaguely...