Sunday, April 10, 2011

Final tally for Read-a-Thon

Hours spent reading - I read at least 30 minutes out of every hour, but the aggregate time was probably closer to:

21-22 hours - pure reading
1-2 hours - blogging and doing mini-challenges (next time I'll make accurate notes of the time started and stopped)
1 hour - meal preparation, bathroom breaks, snack runs and one micro-nap with book in hand...

Number of pages read - 2062 (note to self - avoid trade paperbacks in non-fiction)

Number of Mini-Challenges completed:

Hour 1 - Intro Post
Hour 2 - Where in the World are You Reading
Hour 5 - Oldies but Goodies
Hour 8 - Book Club Recommendations
Hour 12 - Mid-Event Survey
Hour 13 - Book Habits
Hour 15 - Character Theme Song
Hour 17/18 - Classics Paranormal Mash-up (Three Wyrd Sisters)
Hour 19 - Character Crush
Hour 20 - Movie Madness
Hour 23 - Referral Challenge
Hour 24 - Final Survey

If anyone who made a pledge comes by, here's the link to the GVPTA's CanadaHelps Page

1 comment:

  1. On behalf of all of us at the Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance, thanks so much Meredith for making us your worthy cause!!
